Saturday, April 5, 2008

It can't be April already

So much is happening at the same time! I can't believe it's April!

Re-affiliation of a predominantly African American group on campus with us, Spring Leader's training and Bosnia team meetings, support letters, staff planning stuff and prayer. Ahhhhhh!

Once there was a IV staff named Glory he invested in Josiah and lead a small group for Black students on campus. When Glory left, Josiah continued the small group and invested in Brandon but didn't consider themselves part of InterVarsity anymore. And Brandon, with all the passions and gifts God has given him, gathered together a whole fellowship of students and they called themselves BAM (Born Again Ministries). It's been really exciting to work with Brandon and the other leaders of BAM. They are hospitable, word loving students! As Paul and Brandon have built a relationship over the last 2 years Brandon shared he and his whole leadership team was graduating and there was uncertainty in the future of BAM. After months of talking and planing and preparing and praying some BAM students are going to join our leadership team, lead Bible Studies and help us plan what our Large Group could look like to serve the whole BAM fellowship. They'll do this in partnership with the InterVarsity leaders so that we can integrate well to reach and serve as many students on campus as possible. YEAH GOD for bringing unity to campus and reconnecting us to a great group of students!!!

We are starting training tomorrow and I'm thrilled that over 6 BAM students will be joining us, along with hopefully over 10 InterVarsity students!!!! I am praying this training would bring us together and would help us prepare for the coming year. It would be great to have more Small Groups available on campus for students to come to next year. I also would love to have the leaders who are helping with training grow in passion for their own small group and investing in younger students. I think the hardest thing this year has been getting leaders to see God has given them skills he wants them to use to invest in others. Discipleship in its simplest form has been so difficult. So hard. But I'm praying this training will help them use the talents God's given them.

Oh and Bosnia! So on top of all my regular campus work I get to prepare for Bosnia! Pray for our huge teams!!!!!! Last year was the most students we've ever brought to Bosnia 4 in Zenica and 7 in Sarajevo. But there was such a draw and a movement of the Holy Spirit that 30 students applied!!!!!!!!! WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I know! We talked with the EUS Staff and decided to bring 10 students to Zenica and 14 to Sarajevo. Such huge teams makes everything really hard. Travel, loosing people, luggage, finding housing, and places to meet all together, trips in country, outreaches in country, the camp at the end of the trip, debriefing, orientation location. EVERYTHING!!!! I know God will get us through all of those worries but it's daunting to have to see them all at the same time. If you have a place near LAX you think could house 28 people PLEASE TELL ME!


But in all the busyness there's so much joy to be right where God wants me and working for him!

LOVE IT!!!!!!