Sunday, May 24, 2009

One Month to Go!!!

God is so faithful!!!

Our team already has been so blessed in team dynamics, funding, prayer support and logistics!

We only need $4,000 for our UCSB team to be ready to go! Thank you friends who've provided and thank you God for giving the resources for them TO provide :)

Praise God for an apartment in Zenica! Pray it's closer to the city than our last house. And that we can minister to Goran's grandmother and aunt who live on the top floor (we're renting the bottom 2 floors)

My team is the greatest! We had a great time together at STIM and our UCSB team is enjoying being together!
It's a very diverse team. Scott at UNLV is African American, Jenni at UNLV is half Japanese half English, Charlene at UCSB is from Kenya, Chris at UCSB is Latino, Sean at UCSB is half Vietnamese half white and I am all white. We'll have a great time together learning how to work together and how to interact with Bosnians who have little experience with non-whites.

Pray for Charlene's visa to come quickly! we need it before she goes to Bosnia!

Pray for my health and that I do everything for it before I go.

I'm so excited to see Maja, Senad, Sanela, Amela and Amila, Anela, Alexandra, Goran, Medina, Selma, and everyone else!

Thanks for covering Bosnia in your prayers!