Saturday, June 27, 2009


We started orientation with students today!

Praise God that Charlene (UCSB student from Kenya) held her visa in her had 2 days ago! It as cutting it close but it came, she has it and will be serving with us! We were all so excited to greet her today, the first day of orientation.

Please pray for the staff, me, Tina, Adam and Nicole, as we lead these students through cultural & language lessons, history lessons, evangelism training, and team building for the next 4 days. Pray as staff we have energy and the Lord's discernment at all times. Pray also we'll have good communication with each other, our team and the missionaries in Bosnia. Pray the students will be teachable, build good friendships on the team and be fully prepared for what God has for them this summer!

Pray for Bosnian students to sign up for the English classes we'll be hosting.

Pray for all the logistics and flights on June 30th 9pm.

Also pray for my health, that I don't have any really bad headaches and that my right leg gets stronger so I'll have no problems walking.

I'm so excited for how God will move through and in us this summer! I'm also excited to see my old friends and continue taking those relationships deeper.