Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Charlene's Visa!!!!!!!!!!

Please praise God with me!

Charlene got her visa TODAY! This was the last day to get it without causing travel plan changes and all sorts of fast thinking.

We’ve been praying and fasting and praying. I was woken at 6:30 this morning by the sun and was wide awake so I just started praying for Charlene’s visa. I was looking in awe at God’s creation and how amazing His work is, SO huge! As creator of the universe, getting a small visa is a very simple task. But getting Charlene’s visa is impossible for us so it would take an act of God, a miracle!
We had to start thinking this morning, “If they don’t have it today here are our 5 options A, B, C, D, E?” And, “What is our last day before we just have to send Charlene home without coming to Croatia?” :( very sad thoughts…

Our plan was call the Croatian embassy in Sarajevo all day until we knew if we could get it and if not Nicole and Charlene would stay in Sarajevo until they could get it. So we prayed this morning, I prayed last night with every student I met and kept praying.

I was leading a Bible study this morning on Acts 2:42-47 and it was going really well. I just said, “It is great to be in community to share each others joys and burdens like if someone gets a new job or if someone is waiting for a visa.” As I said “visa” Nicole’s phone rang and the lady said come pick up your visa! What a testimony for our students! YEAH GOD!!!!! Thank you Jesus that Charlene is here now, at camp, with her Croatian visa! Now we don’t have to buy her a different plane ticket or change any travel plans! God definitely loves and provides for his children!

I’ll tell you more about camp when I return to California. Please pray for our debriefing and reentry time to go well and for the staff to have energy, we are tired.

Thank you for your prayers! Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!


Maria Glover said...

Priase the Lord God. He is good. And knows how to pull visa strings, too. Glad to hear you won't have to spend extra money and worries.

How is David the fish? Is he in his new home?

You'll have to tell us all about it when you get back to California.

Love and prayers,

Maria Glover

batgirl's alter-ego said...

YAY GOD! We love you and can't wait to hear about everything when you get back. We miss you a lot!!!
love, The Larsons

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read what you'll write about camp. Hello from Zenica!!!
btw everyone knows for this blog

Melissa said...

Good im so glad!
then they can all read the truth:

Im sorry if i offended you. We did teach English classes, not religion, and if that is all people wanted that is all they had to get. We offered to hang out with people after class to get to know them like friends and for them to get to know us. when you get to know me you know that i love Jesus, thats part of who i am and i pray that people will see that. I dont mind if everyone reads my blog because its not different than what i tell them. I am the same in person as in my blog so that i cannot be called a hypocrite. I honestly love Zenica and everyone that i met. They are my true friends and i care deeply for them. I hope to see them again.

Sorry you are offended by me being me.

Anonymous said...

You are not the same person in Zenica as in your blog... so you are not safe there anymore....