Thursday, July 23, 2009

Great times in Zenica!

Charlene is still waiting for her visa but with the express process she should know by Friday (tomorrow) if she gets it or not. Dear God please get her visa to Croatia!

Our team is still having a great time! We get along really well and have been dealing with whatever small things come up right away! Its so great! Well i almost wish there was conflict that they could learn and grow from but really they just know themselves and love each other.

It has been SO hot this week. I started sweating at 9am and its 9pm and Im still sticky. :( Yuck!

I went to my friend Amela's house today just to "hang out" and she had made us a full meal, at 3pm. We just finished lunch at 2... it was so delicious and i love spending time with her and Senad! The are great friends of mine! I am now stuffed to the top!

Pray for students to join us for camp on Sunday. There have been many barriers like parents, money, other friends not going. I just want students to be blessed as they spend time with us and encounter Jesus in the Bible. Pray with us.

Healthwise I have been okay. Praise God for not so huge headaches even while its been hot. My leg has gotten more and more tired. I dont know how to make it better but to pray.

Pray for tomorrow, our last day in Zenica, that we will be led by the Spirit in conversation and connecting our friends to EUS to continue the work.

Saturday we are joining the other half of our team in Sarajevo, pray for our travel and time in Sarajevo, that we would be prepared for camp.

OH praise God with us that the sleeping bags we had to buy were half price today and i was able to finally understand our landlady so we went to buy them and bought out the stores supply. Thank you Jesus!

Fun story:
It was just going to be Jenni and I at lunch on Tuesday because the boys went to Armins house and Charlene was in Sarajevo. So we invited 4 girlfriends to come over, 2 replied to say they could come and 6 showed up! It was a great time but our amazing cook was very surprized, "Četri, Osam?" (four, eight?)

We also had a girl-guy night on Tuesday. Girls tye-dyed upstairs and did girly stuff while the guys made tacos (including the tortillas)! We enjoyed their food and it was just fun to be together. One girl even tye-dyed her head scarf :)

I love being here and i love Jesus for being with us and at work and i love you for praying for us!

1 comment:

Maria Glover said...

Hello, Melissa:

I am so glad your adventure is progressing. I am glad you made up the calendar and I could print it out at work. It helps remind me to pray for the things you need. I admire you for keeping on. Reading this is like a mini-vacation for me to see how others live.

Maria Glover